Disconnect the battery. This is necessary to
avoid tripping the SRS airbag code.
NOTE: It would be a good idea to get your
radio code because you will need it to unlock your radio once
you reconnect your battery.
Using the flat tip screw driver, pry 3 of
the vents out. The 1 closest to the driver's door and 2 in the

Starting on the drivers side, take the small round cap off with the small
screw driver or some other very thin pointed item. (Pics of other
side, same process).

Remove the screw from inside the air guide, then
remove the air guide from that end of the dash pad. It seems as
if you push it towards the front of the car it comes out a
little easier.

Remove the screw behind the air guide.

Remove the speaker cover from that side of the
dash pad. It is easier if you can lift the grill from the
forward edge and pull it out after that edge is lifted up.

Using a small driver, remove the speaker by
pushing in on the center of the speaker push rivets just a
little. Push the middle pin in about 1/8 of an inch and they
will lift out of the speaker base. Remove both rivets and lift
the speaker base up and work the tip of the speaker out of the
dash pad. Once the speaker is loose, simply pull the connector
loose from the speaker.
Remove the screw from the top of the air vent

Remove the 2 screws from the top of the cluster

Remove the 2 screws from the top of the center

Remove the glove box. Using the very small screw
driver or something smaller and narrow, slide it down the small
hole where the hinge arm connects to the glove box door and
release the tabs that hold the glove box arms to the door, both

Remove the screws that hold the glove box in.
There are 6 T-25 screws.

Remove the glove box. It will just pull out, I
usually use both hands. You will have to work the top center of
it around the latch.
Unplug the air bag connection. It simply pulls
down to unplug, orange wire.

Remove the two screws on the lower edge of the
dash pad with the glove box door open. Also remove the 4 bolts
that mount the air bag to the dash.

Remove the speaker cover on the right side of
the dash pad.

Remove the speaker on the right side of the

Remove the screw from the right side speaker

Remove the small cover from the far right side
air vent.

Remove the screw from the right side air went.

Remove the right side air vent.

Remove the screw from behind the air vent,
corner of the dash.

Work the dash pad loose from the dash. It comes
out a little easier if you lift it up a little from the drivers
side, then work it loose to the passenger side. Lifting up while
you pull it towards you (pull towards the back of the car).