Surviving Wernicke's Encephalopathy 

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 Nutrition Information...

If I told you that I have found some nutrition products that would help you to NEVER get cancer or any other illness, would you eat them daily? You know, long ago there was a garden that had a plant that was called "The Tree Of Life". Well, I can not tell you that, however, through my attempt to make sure my wife has all the nutrition she needs to avoid a relapse of her illness, I was told by doctors that she has/had cancer that was stopped (declared benign). She also had another life long blood illness that they can no longer find. I don't know about you but that got my attention.

When my wife was ejected from the hospital, I was told to make sure she took 2 vitamins and bring her back every other week. I knew I had better do something else. So I put together a nutrition plan to hopefully avoid any more deficiencies, and I got better results than I had expected.

Download the Nutrition Plan and the Nutrition Plan Handout. You will need the free adobe acrobat reader.

NOTE: Please do NOT link any of my videos to FaceBook. I do NOT want Diane to get upset about me speaking about her illness on the web.

Standard version
Long version with procedures recorded

Here is the list of products I use.

NOTICE: I am not a medical professional, have no medical experience, and do not intend to give you medical advise. I am simply sharing my experience with this illness.

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