Surviving Wernicke's Encephalopathy 

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 Wernicke's Encephalopathy Korsakoff's Syndrome
 About Wernicke's Encephalopathy...

Wernicke's Encephalopathy is a very serious illness that one develops as a result of a vitamin deficiency. The deficient vitamin is B1, also know as thiamine. The most popular classification of people that develop the illness is alcoholics. From what I have read, second to alcoholics are bariatric patients, specifically gastric bypass patients.

NOTE: Please do NOT link any of my videos to FaceBook. I do NOT want Diane to get upset about me speaking about her illness on the web.

Introduction to Wernicke's Encephalopathy Part 1
Introduction to Wernicke's Encephalopathy Part 2

Being a common man, I'd like to keep things simple and explain my knowledge of the illness in layman terms. It would do most people NO GOOD if things were explained in a way that they would have to struggle or study to understand. So most of what you will read or hear on this site will be easy to understand explanations which may not be technically correct, but proper in a nut shell.

I call it an illness and not a disease because it is not contagious and can not be transferred to anyone else. It is an illness that one develops and will quickly die from is help is not received.

Long story short, when your brain does not get vitamin B1, it starts to melt away or becomes damaged. Once that damage is done the brain does not regenerate and you experience permanent brain damage. When help is received and the affected person begins to receive the vitamin B1, the deterioration process is usually immediately stopped. In my wife's case, she was administered an IV in the emergency room which bypassed the liver and sent the vitamin directly to the brain. It is the livers job to send that vitamin to the brain, when the liver is damaged to a certain point, it can not process and send the required amount of the vitamin to the brain, thus starting the melting process.

If one survives the initial illness, they will actually recover from Wernicke's Encephalopathy within a few days or a couple of weeks at the most. At that point, as long as they receive the nourishment they need, and stay away from whatever caused their liver to malfunction, they can make it. However they will be left with whatever brain damage has been done. Depending on how fast one gets the help they need damage can me mild. The most common is short term memory loss. Others have memory problems accompanied with physical disabilities (including chronic pain). I have also communicated with a few people that have been sitting at a bedside for months because their loved one was in a coma, probably one that they would never come out of.

The short term memory loss is often classified as a form of dementia called Korsakoff's syndrome. Most Korsakoff's patients should never be left alone and often require permanent supervision. Korsakoff's syndrome is a dangerous condition that should not be taken lightly.

I hope to finish a couple of books that I have started soon. One will strictly highlight the illness, the other my story. I want to warn people about this dangerous illness and help people that are affected by it.

Here are a couple of links:

NOTICE: I am not a medical professional, have no medical experience, and do not intend to give you medical advise. I am simply sharing my experience with this illness.

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